artists of utah home page

underwriting ads
 15 Bytes is made possible by financial contributions from members of the community like you. In order to thank our contributors we provide advertising opportunities (underwriting spots) in the pages of 15 Bytes and on the site.

Questions? Contact Shawn Rossiter at
Make an Underwriting Contribution to Artists of Utah!


City, State, ZIP:

Email address:

How much are you pledging?

In which months would you like to place an ad?



After you click send, you will be taken to a page with payment and billing options.

Check payments can be made to:
Artists of Utah
P.O. Box 526292
SLC, UT 84152

To pay by credit card or paypal account use our paypal donate button:

15 Bytes Underwriting Rates:
$50 for one spot
$80 for two spots
$400 for 12 spots

Underwriters can choose in which months to place their ads and they can choose to place more than one ad in a single edition.

Underwriting ads remain active in archived editions. They link directly to the underwriters website.

The underwriting ads will appear in our advertising bar, located to the right of each page of 15 Bytes. The underwriting spots are 200 pixels wide and 325 pixels tall. Underwriters can create their own spots or we will be happy to create a spot using your artwork and text.

Become an Underwriter
Finch Lane GallerydbGo to Salt Lake Art Center